Lorri Mehmen, River Hills


Position: Special Education 

Years Teaching: I began my career at a Cadet Teacher at River Hills during my senior year of high school. I went on to become a para-professional at River for eight years, and became a special education teacher 11 years ago.

Hobbies/Interests: Fishing, boating, four-wheeling

What do you enjoy most about teaching? My greatest joy is seeing my students’ faces “light up” when they accomplish a skill/activity they have been working on for (sometimes) months.

What do you find most challenging about teaching? One of my favorite things to do is go shopping for my classroom before the start of every school year. My challenge is figuring out how I can adapt the various supplies so they work for my students. It’s not always easy, but when I see it actually working in my classroom it is very rewarding.

Best tip for new teachers: It doesn’t matter to kids if you’ve been there one day or 30 years. Kids seem to know instinctively when a teacher cares about them. So don’t stress over your inexperience, just give yourself a little time and you will hit your stride.

Best tip for career teachers: Hang in there. Believe it or not, I promise you will miss this when it’s over.

Favorite piece of advice for students: We will work together to ensure that you are the very best you can be.

What being a Gold Star Teacher means to you: This is truly an honor for me and I am grateful! I was thrilled to be nominated and overwhelmed with emotion when I was chosen as a Gold Star Teacher. I am proud to represent River Hills School because I see the phenomenal things that are accomplished here every day. I am humbled because I believe all the teachers and staff deserve to be recognized for their passion and dedication. Again, thank you.

Watch Lorri Mehmen’s Gold Star Video here!