Robin Loes, Kingsley Elementary


Position: K-8th grade teacher & Expanded Learning Program

Years Teaching: 22 years

Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy being a part of my children’s activities, playing the piano, and being with my friends.

What do you enjoy most about teaching? I enjoy being with people.

What do you find most challenging about teaching? The most challenging thing about teaching is there always more to do. Teachers always think to themselves, “Well what if I would have ….”

Best tip for new teachers: My best tip for new teachers is to build bridges with colleagues. You will need each other.

Best tip for career teachers: My best tip for career teachers is to listen to your listen to everyone. You never know who may have the best advise you’ve ever heard. Advise will help us continue to learn and evolve to be the best possible people we can be.

Favorite piece of advice for students: Remember that nobody ever woke up and said, “I think I will do the second-best thing I can do today.” Accept what is done, and learn from your mistakes. Persevere until you are proud of your work.

What being a Gold Star Teacher means to you: 

To me, being a Gold Star Teacher means that I have touched someone else’s life enough that he or she felt compelled to nominate me for recognition.

2018 Gold Star Recipient